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Bott Memorial Youth Sunday

Bott Memorial Youth Page

With Bott's diverse & talented group of kids in all age ranges, it is extremely important that we keep them involved and help them learn in ways that are fun as well as educational. Each year we hold "overnight lock-ins", visit amusement parks, go bowling and even spend a few days at the beach!

To Help support and fund these activities, the youth hold varying fundraising activities throughout the year including carwashes, yard sales, pancake and spaghetti suppers, etc. In addition to these efforts, Bott holds "Youth Sunday" on Mother's Day each May. Our kids do the entire service, and the church provides them 100% of the collections & donations for that Sunday to help fund their activities.

As with most aspects of life over the last 24 months, the Covid pandemic has affected and suspended some of our annual activities. Through the grace of God, we pray that life will return to a more normal existence in 2022. Any updates to youth activities will be posted here!